morphological characteristics of scorpions

Morphological Characteristics of Scorpion

The ideal body length of an adult scorpion About 55mm, the shape is very similar to a pipa. The life span of a scorpion is between 5-8 years. The body of a scorpion is very segmented, and its entire body is made of highly chitinous hard skin.
Consisting of the cephalothorax and abdomen, the body is yellowish brown, the ventral surface and appendages are lighter in color, and the fifth segment of the posterior abdomen is darker in color. Scorpions are male and female, with slightly different shapes. The cephalothorax is composed of six sections and is trapezoidal. There is a cephalothorax on the back, which is densely covered with granular protrusions. There is a pair of middle eyes in the center of the back, 3 lateral eyes on each side of the front end, and 6 pairs of appendages. One pair is the whole limb that helps feed, the second pair is the long and thick horns like crab claws, which are used for catching food, touch and defense, and the other four pairs are the legs. The mouth is located at the bottom of the abdominal cavity.
The front abdomen is wider and consists of 7 segments. The hind abdomen is a long and narrow part that is easy to bend, consisting of 5 segments and a tail spine. The first section has a lifelong reproductive organ, which covers the reproductive pore. Female scorpions can give birth to young scorpions from the genital pores, and male scorpions can produce sperm rods from the genital pores, which are connected to the female scorpion's genital pores.

